Oct 23, 2008


Everybody has their own opinion on what essentials they need in order to "survive". In my experience, the number one essential to survive is your mind. If you don't want to survive, you won't. If you don't have the knowledge of how to survive, or what to do so you can survive, you will perish with the rest. Read, watch, and learn everything you can about survival techniques and then go do some practical exercises. How do you know you can make it through the night without a sleeping bag, or without matches? You don't; until you try. I would rather fail at practicing then fail when the real show begins.
I named my blog-spot "Live To See Tomorrow" because that is the mindset you need to survive. You should wake up every single day and BELIEVE that you will "live to see tomorrow". This applies to everyday life and in an emergency/survival situation. If you're worried about freezing to death or starving and thats all you can think about, then it will more than likely happen. Focus on finding shelter, food, fire, and water, but keep a cool head and ALWAYS remember "Live To See Tomorrow!".
You can go to any retail store and spend paycheck after paycheck buying the most expensive "survival kits", but what happens when you get lost out on a day hike? Do you carry your entire 72 hour survival kit with you? Do you carry your "bug out bag" with you everyday? If you have the knowledge and desire, you can survive off of what you have in your pocket/pack/or car. Maybe all you need is matches and a knife, or maybe you do need an entire pre-made "kit". Whatever it is, you need to have it with you, and most importantly, you need to know how to use it.
Whatever it is you take with you is fine. As long as you can haul it yourself (you don't need to drag down everyone else because you can't carry your own gear) and it makes you have a peace of mind. If you think you need your teddy bear in order to survive a week in the wilderness or a month in a tornado ravished city, take it along. There's nothing worse than being alone or sad when trying to survive.
Most situations happen without warning (floods, earthquakes, accidents in the wilderness, etc) so you never know for sure what you need or if you can be prepared. Like in my first paragraph, the most important piece of equipment you can obtain is KNOWLEDGE. Prepare now and live to see tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Taz like what you say,Me understand And Agree with you !
    Nice knife bud :-)
